FFVCL Encoder 5.0 and Player 5.0 Released

2012.12.21 FFVCL Encoder & Player 5.0

* update to FFmpeg 1.0.1
* new GDICapture as integrated successor of ScreenCapture and WaveCapture
* rename component EventStreamAdapter to MemoryAccessAdapter
* rename unit StreamProtocol to MemoryProtocol
* more minor improvements and some bug fix

* change members of TVideoStreamInfo: rename AspectRatio to DisplayAspectRatio, add SampleAspectRatio, SAR and DAR

* new property InputCount[TaskIndex: Integer]: Integer read GetInputCount

* new method DefaultOptions() for batch parsing options like multiple calls of opt_default()

* FFmpeg DLLs built base on official ffmpeg 1.0.1
* This version is NOT compatible with previous FFmpeg DLLs.

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FFVCL Encoder 4.7 and Player 4.7 Released

2012.09.26 FFVCL Encoder & Player 4.7

* update to FFmpeg 0.10.4
* rename unit DXUtils to FFDXUtils
* don’t support Delphi 2005 any more
* more minor improvements and some bug fix

* new properties LogFile and LogToFile
* new method ClearLogFile()

* avoid multithreading issue of log callback in some codecs

* fix potential issue caused by Previewer

* fix deinterlace issue when pix_fmt is not YUV420P
* fix potential issue on default audio/video driver
* compatible with SDL 1.2.13, 1.2.14 and 1.2.15

[Standard Edition]
* support Delphi XE3 (VCL Win32 only)

[Professional Edition]
* require Delphi XE2 Update 4 HotFix 1 or Delphi XE3
* support both VCL Win32 and FireMonkey Win32/OSX32
* new component FXPlayer can work under Windows without SDL
* all components except FFPlayer can work under both Windows and Mac OS X Lion

* FFmpeg DLLs built base on official ffmpeg 0.10.4
* This version is compatible with previous FFmpeg DLLs.

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FFVCL Encoder 4.6 and Player 4.6 Released

2012.03.18 FFVCL Encoder & Player 4.6

* new helper class TCircularBuffer and TCircularBufferStream
* update to FFmpeg 0.10 which is not compatible with 0.9.x

* fix a memory leak issue
* fix a potential issue in join mode

* new property QueueSize
* new property UseAudioPosition
* remove property frame_pix_fmt
* readonly property FrameWidth and FrameHeight

* new NetworkConverter demo (EventStreamAdapter + CircularBufferStream)
* new NetworkPlayer demo (EventStreamAdapter + CircularBufferStream)

* FFmpeg DLLs built base on official ffmpeg 0.10
* This version is NOT compatible with previous FFmpeg DLLs.

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FFVCL Encoder 4.5 and Player 4.5 Released

2012.01.18 FFVCL Encoder & Player 4.5

* FFVCL version number changed from 4.1 to 4.5 indicating this version has many changes and is not compatible with the previous version, specifically for Encoder and add-ons.

* update to FFmpeg 0.9.x which is not compatible with 0.8.x
* many minor improvements and some bug fix

* new method opt_default()

* the encoder core rewritten for FFmpeg 0.9.x
* new powerfull and flexible options which are almost compatible with the parameters of ffmpeg command line
* rename AddInputFile() to AddInput(), SetOutputFile()/SetOutputStream() to SetOutput()
* remove property CustomMaxFiles and now FFEncoder will increase file list automatically
* improved joining ability such as support codec ‘copy’ mode

* improved stability

* new options style for FrameInput, FrameOutput, PacketInput, ScreenCapture, WaveCapture, WaveInput and WaveOutput

* FFmpeg DLLs built base on official ffmpeg 0.9.1
* This version is NOT compatible with previous FFmpeg DLLs.

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FFVCL Encoder 4.1 and Player 4.1 Released

FFVCL – Delphi FFmpeg VCL Components

2011.10.31 FFVCL Encoder 4.1 & Player 4.1

* Support Delphi XE2(VCL Win32)

* no changes

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